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January 2023.

January feels to me like one of the shortest months. December festivities are behind us and the first week of the year is stolen away by New Year celebrations and coming back down to earth, the landing requiring more and more effort as each year passes.

You may have read in the “About” section that I have the luxury of spending my life between two beautiful locations. The West coast of Scotland and the marvellous island of Curaçao, in the Dutch Caribbean. It is the latter where I spend my Decembers, surrounded by visitors, family and friends. I am exhausted from long hours in the kitchen, cooking local delicacies and catering for the army of people that descend on us. I do enjoy the partying and relish the time with my wonderful offspring who have the energy of three year olds, locked inside the bodies of grown men with hollow legs!  December eating and drinking is a gruelling task for us all and it takes me until the middle of January to digest it.

As a writer and a photographer, I am either glued to my camera, or my notebook..often both, but as the Christmas exhaustion lingers on it is usually a few weeks into the New Year when I find the time and energy to really indulge myself in creativity.  By chance there is one yearly occurrence that entices me to reach for my camera. In January we get a visit from a young Osprey, that perches on a local tree to eat his fresh catch.  His feathers are often ruffled and like me, he looks exhausted.  For the North American Osprey, Curaçao is usually just a layover destination to rest and replenish before continuing the journey to and from South America.  We certainly enjoy seeing him.

Whether in Scotland or in Curaçao, I find nothing more relaxing than spending a few hours walking along the shore, soaking up the salty air and the listening to the sound of the waves.

I am moved by the mountains, and can even appreciate the city in smaller doses.

Wherever I find myself, I am perpetually observing my environment in search of the next great shot, or the inspiration for the next chapter in my book.

This is the first blog on my upgraded new design website and my intention is to post here at least once a month with a little blurb, and a photo or two, aside from the ones in my portfolio so please come back and visit and have a look at what I have been up to.  If you have any questions about my work or would like to make an appointment to visit my studio in Scotland please drop me a line at Anne-Marie@amrovito.com.

May January bring an overflow of inspiration, enough for the year ahead.

Blessed are they who see beautiful

things in humble places where other people

see nothing.

-Camille Pissarro.

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